
How Does the Media Influence Investors?


Most people would argue that living in a digital world, with instant access to an endless stream of information has made us smarter and more self-empowered than past generations. Investors believe that it has “leveled the playing field,” enabling them to make investment decisions based on the same information once only available to the investment pros. The incessant quest for information has reached such a fever pitch that the media outlets, including the cable channels, print media, and now the blogosphere, are churning out content 24/7, and it still isn’t enough to satiate peoples’ ravenous appetite for information. So, it’s all good? WRONG.

There is a much stronger argument that can be made that, for people in general and investors especially, information overload not only makes it more difficult to make rational decisions, it often leads to behavior that can be harmful, if not devastating to your financial health. While there has obviously been a marked increase in the quantity of information, the quality of the information will always be in question. Where you have quantity without quality, all you really have is “noise.” And for people who really should be listening for legitimate financial advice and relevant information, it can be deafening.

In order to attract attention, and therefore the advertising dollars its viewership or headlines generates, the information has to be entertaining, pithy, and compelling. To that end, the media has no fear or shame in hyping a story beyond a reasoned reality, in order to make its information more essential.

In the investment arena, stories can’t be compelling, or entertaining, for that matter, unless they are consequential in the short term. The problem is that the information we, as investors, receive is filtered through an “excitability” gauge. Can you imagine an analyst or stock guru spending 20 minutes on CNBC talking about the 5-year growth prospects of the stock market and how a diversified portfolio is your best opportunity to outperform the market?

Unfortunately, access to more information and technology has not improved investor performance over the last couple of decades. While we’re not suggesting that you should turn off your cable news or refrain from surfing investment sites, you do need to remind yourself that these sources of information don’t necessarily share your agenda. Gathering information and educating yourself are essential parts of the process, but it should be done in the context of your clearly-defined objectives and a well-conceived financial plan.

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